Touchstone Angus
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Herd Sires

Touchstone 37Q 2HY2C

Touchstone 37Q is out of an EXT/Lovana/Dynamo bred cow that traces 185 times to a bull born in 1929 named simply "Emulous" and is the progenitor herd sire for our program. See the Emulous History link to learn more about the Emulous line. Although 37Q is not close-bred in his three-generation pedigree he certainly is linebred tracing to "Emulous" 264 times (185 times for dam and 79 times for sire) including Ankonian Dynamo 22 times in his extended pedigree. His linebred pedigree adds to the consistency and uniform quality.

Probably the most exciting aspect of this Angus bull sire is his DNA tenderness profile combined with his BIA ultrasound tenderness score. 37Q's tenderness score is a 10 on the Igenity Panel and in the top 3% of the Angus breed on the Pfizer 50K Panel. Touchstone 37Q 2HY2C These DNA markers primarily relate to the role of enzymatic activity post-harvest to tenderize the meat but have little relationship to the components of structural tenderness such as connective tissue, fiber densities and relative fiber direction. That is why the BIA ultrasound is important. High scores for the DNA tenderness markers improve the tenderness of beef given any starting point that is either structurally tender of tough. The BIA ultrasound tenderness score is important to determine the structural tenderness/toughness for a given animal by measuring the major structural components of tenderness, ie, muscle fiber density, amount of connective tissue, coarseness of marbling, angularity of muscle fiber direction relative to spine, etc.

Additionally, the beef sire of 37Q, B/R Destination 727-928 had a tenderness EPD of -.33 based on 39 steer progeny through the Angus Sire Alliance. Among the Angus bull sires evaluated for shear force, the sire of 37Q had the third highest tenderness score among the Angus bulls with actual progeny tests.

It is our belief that identifying animals with: 1) high DNA tenderness scores, 2) excellent BIA ultrasound tenderness scores of 24 or less and 3) are sired by a proven bull with a large number of progeny scored on a Warner/Bratzler shear force test is accomplishing just about all that can be done to improve tenderness.

We know of no other herd sire combining exceptional tenderness scores with a rank in the top 3% of the angus breed for Beef Value EPD. If you direct market beef, the combination of these traits can really help your business grow. Contact us today at Touchstone Angus to learn more about our top EPD Angus bulls and how they can benefit your Angus beef business. We’ll help recommend the right Angus herd sires for you.

Semen $50
Certificate $50

Contact Information

Touchstone Angus
Brad James
P.O. Box 779
Torrington, WY 82240

Kate (James) Barnes
P.O. Box 779
Torrington, WY 82240

Contact Information

Brad James
P.O. Box 779
Torrington, WY 82240

Kate (James) Barnes
P.O. Box 779
Torrington, WY 82240